Wednesday, October 23, 2019

So You Wanna be a Rock Star "Chasing the dream"

I have decided that it is time, time for what your say? Time to write about a passion that has consumed me since, well since I can remember.  Its a story about a fire that started when I was a young teen living in Kasson Minnestoa and has raged for more than 40 years. Its a story about many people, fun times and frustrating times.  The good, the bad, and the ugly. The ups and downs, times of feast and famine. The drive to become a Rock Star! Play guitar, tour the country in a bus, have girls chasing me down the street.  I have been at this quest for many years.  Do I still have the Dream!! Can I still become that "Rock Star." I might still have a dream but I am also a realist, at age 54 I think the only chicks chasing me down the street are going to be grandmothers. If my story is entertaining enough maybe I will get a book deal!  Once again I am a realist, but you never know, right? Maybe publishers will be chasing me down the street.  Maybe grandmothers will be chasing the publishers, walkers in hand. "Give that man a book deal" as they pop there dentures back in their mouths.  I love to entertain and my life as a musician is very entertaining.  At least my life is entertaining I will let you decide on the music part. So here we go, bad grammar, bad writing skills, horrible composition but a story no less.  Please don't grade me on my poor use of comma's, or lack of quotes but grade me on the humor I bring to the pages.   This is a story, (there are many stories like this one) but this is my story. A story about chasing a dream to be a rock star that has actually been more fulfilling than ever becoming a rock star. At least that's what the other rock stars tell me.

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