Wednesday, October 23, 2019

So you wanna be a Rock Star, the beginning

In order to understand where my future lies its important to understand where I came from.  The Mayflower was a ship that carried the pilgrims from England to America.  The captain of the ship, Miles Standish, was a....ok ok that is a little too far back.  I guess I could start with my Parents, without them I literally would not exist.  My parent grew up in two different towns connected by a central school.  Dad was from Mantorville and Mom was from Kasson.  They married in 1962 and 3 years later 2 boys were bouncing off the walls in a small home in Florida.  Dad was in the navy and had transferred a few times so Florida was our current home.  I don't remember much but I do have a lot of cute pictures.  If I could have stayed that cute I think I would have had a career in the movies.  (Eat your heart out Macaulay.) Growing up in Florida was a fun hot humid childhood. I do remember one day my dad bought me a toy machine gun and my brother got a pirate hat, patch, and plastic knife.  I always wanted to be a swashbuckler so I begged him to trade for a bit, me giving up my gun and he loaning me the hat, patch and knife, but I quickly learned that trades are not always fair, and no way was he going to part with the knife.  I begged and cried but no way was that knife coming off his side, so I got to run around saying "Aye Matyey" and swinging a stick and he got to keep the goods.  (Knowing my brother he probably still has the outfit in a box.)  I shouldn't degrees since this is about my music career and not pirates and GI Joes.  At three years of age I was not into music yet, I was still honing my tricycle skills, and searching for my blanket that I constantly misplaced but one important song that I do remember is not really a song but a TV show.  Every time the speaker on the TV blared out the song "Flipper" I would come running like a bloodhound after a convict.  If you don't remember the show, go ahead and google it, I've got time.  Flipper was the first show or song I can remember.  Few things stand out in my mind but flipper will always hold a spot in my heart.
 I don't remember my parents listening to the radio, stereo, or really anything musical.  They never played and instrument, they never sang in the shower.  Matter a fact quite a few years later I discovered an album collection in my parents attic space which absolutely blew me away since I never thought of them as music lovers or hell even listeners.  More on that later.  Where did all this love of music come from?  My brother didn't listen to the radio, or start and album collection I could pilfer from. My parents never had anything but the TV on.  I did have a grandmother that played the piano and and great grandfather that sang at hundreds of weddings and funerals, but if I keep going backward we will be back on the mayflower sailing back to England.  I guess the question should not be where I found the love but that I found the love, a love that has endured eight presidents and counting.


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