Monday, November 11, 2013

"Today's Youth" The new benchmark in laziness!!

    I was at a Quiznoes yesterday and it was late in the day.  The store was only open for 45 minutes but it was open...ahhh so I thought.  I went in with the "first lady" and was polity greeted by a young lad who let us know in no short terms that we were imposing on his early closing.  What the hell does someone need to get of of work early for on a Sunday night?   The bong will wait...cheetoes breath. I was once young and understand that getting done with an thankless job and hitting the town is a priority, but to basically tell someone to get out, that is pure stupidity.

     Kids don't want to work anymore and when they do they have no skills.  They can't greet you at the drive up, they can't communicate anything, they don't seam to think for themselves, and last of all,  lack all types of common sense. It's almost like they are pre-programmed with a script and if you go off topic they glaze over and become useless bags of malt-o-meal. After the Quiznoes disaster we went to Burger King and got cold food and wrong beverages, AND THERE WAS NOBODY THERE!!

What are we as adults doing to better this action or encourage.  Well for starters, without getting too political, we pass laws to encourage pot smoking.  Dole out food stamps and welfare for half the country.  Let me put it this way...If you see Dad smoking pot and collecting food stamps, what type of role model does that promote?  Letting the kids lay around all day doing nothing would have lasted about 30 seconds in my house.  We mowed lawn, baby sat, bailed hay, shoveled snow, all in our early teens. We wanted to work and make money.  Money meant new fishing gear, records or cassettes... freedom.  I hope to start instilling those values in my kids.

I recently visited Kohl's in Owatonna and had a small problem.  I wanted to use my khols cash on a recent purchase and needed assistance since I lost the certificate. (I don't know why half the store was pregnant but I don't think that had anything to do with the story)  Instead of the staff telling me "sorry" or "I can't help you with that" I got "hmmm that's a interesting problem lets do this..." they proceeded to fix the problem, save me another $50, and let me feeling great that I decided to do business with that store.  There is hope.  The jury is still out on meat-head at Quiznoes but there is hope!!

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Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...