Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Going Going Gone!!

Never really paid attention to home accessories  but now since I am a new home owner I am trying to invest in nice, high quality items. I made a recent visit to the furniture store to look at nick knacks and other items.  (They always have the coolest accessories at the furniture place) I started by looking at the lamps for the bedroom set we bought and they were very cool but a hundred bucks each I thought was a little steep.  The guy said he could lower to around $65 until I asked to take the floor models. Boom scored both for $80.00.  So I started catching on to this "take it off the floor" idea.  I looked at the comforter set and it was price at $165.00.  Wow I don't think I have paid more than $50 on clearance for a bed in a bag set.  $165.00 seamed like a good chunk of change for sheets and a comforter.  I had taken another picture of one on my iPhone I really liked (the one in the picture), so I decided to seek that one out.  OMG $569.00  I thought to myself, they make stuff that expensive.  Paying $165, just maybe, but $569 NO FLIPIN' WAY!!  The sales clerk got tied up with another sale while I was pondering I looked up the set online (lovin' the iPhone) $509 but on clearance for $87.50 No stock available. Could not find any online so I had only one option. Do you think I could talk my way into getting the one on the floor for the same $87.50?  Well I love a good challenge so with a little convincing, arm pulling, and distraction I now own a $565.00 comfortable, elegant, and downright cool bed set for the price of $87.50.  Who would have thought!

The next time you go shopping for a clock, bedding, lamps, or wall art, go to a furniture store.  Everything is negotiable, generally in great shape (Kids get off that!!) and ready to become yours for less then you think.  BTW Doesn't hurt to buy a crap load of furniture and hang that over the sales person head either.  

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...