Friday, November 16, 2012

No more running with the bulls!!

Black Friday has now become "Red Thursday" Let me explain what this means to me and you decide.  A couple of years ago I put up a blog about Black Friday . I explained how it was my "Running with the bulls" Well with increased competition the retailers in there wisdom decided to move Black Friday to Thursday, and still call it black Friday.  I'm not happy at all, and its not about the invasion of T-Day, its stupid Idea that if you keep moving up the time you will get more people.

Me and the first lady used to look forward to getting up at 3 am, wrestling on the cold weather gear, coffee up, and stand in line with hoards of others checking our watches in anticipation of executing our strategy for procuring the latest electronics for ridiculously low prices. We would split up and 20 minutes later find each other and compare baskets.  We would be done and home by 10 am, gloating over the bags and boxes of merchandise we wrestled into our possession then go to bed for a nice and well deserved 3 hour nap.

"Red Thursday" is now starting at 8 am on turkey day.  My plan of attack is to drive home after our family gathering, go to bed and get up at 5 am, drive to work and stop at Walmart and see whats left.  I fell like I'm in the Grinch who stole black Friday.  Am I getting old? Tiered?  I don't know, I just miss the running of the bulls and maybe retail will figure this out or maybe next year Friday will be the Wednesday before Thursday.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...