Thursday, October 25, 2012

WAR on Women

Get the tanks, grenades, and machine guns ready because war has broken out.  War against Terrorism?  War Against Drugs? NO! War against women.  WAR!  Really. When I think of war I think of people getting killed.  Are we really killing women now? Rest assured America is not killing women, but you should get the facts on what this so called war is about.

The war is on human recklessness not women.  Paying for and excepting poor decision making should not be  a tax payers function.  Let me explain, because this boils down to pretty much one point and one institution.  "Planned Parenthood."

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's if you wanted to go engage in risky business you could NOT go to the drug store and purchase protection.  You would have to find someone of age (embarrassing), and pay  $20 -$30. The girl would often go to "Planned Parenthood" and get protection so the behavior could commence, (well at least if they were responsible). I was afraid to get my girlfriend pregnant so I just didn't engage in that much reckless behavior. To me this is my definition of morals and something "PP" does not recognize.

Today you don't have these obstacles. If you want protection you can go to Walmart and stock up all you want. Hell, schools were handing them out like candy. If you want to go on the pill, a quick visit to the doctor and you get a script for nine bucks. Congratulations! you don't have to risk an early induction into the grandparents club. but not so fast there sparky.

 "Planned Parenthood" now not only gives away birth control but promotes abortion and the morning after pill.  (Parents you don't need to know) So in sense you can go be as reckless as you want, not own up for your mistakes and our Government will not only pay for this behavior but encourage it. If your child was taking drugs wouldn't you want to be informed? Reckless sexual behavior, nah that is OK.

So where is the WAR, women?  Taxpayers are simply saying, go get your own $9 condoms. If you can't afford 9 bucks maybe you shouldn't be appropriating.  Go see the doctor, if your parents don't agree well maybe they might be right.  If your of age and can't afford protection, ahhh you might want to give up beer and cigarettes because a baby will cost much more. My guess is that if "Planned Parenthood" is so important there will be private funding for this.  Forcing taxpayers to pay for reckless behavior, well you decide if the WAR is worth the fight.  My stance is very clear and easy to understand.  If you want to do anything and everything with your life and you pay for it, God Bless, it is your decision.  Don't ask me to pay for something and expect me to not have a say. Women...there is no WAR on you or your vagina (MSNBC commentator comment)  There is a disagreement with the morals your asking me to financially support.  GO VOTE!!

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