Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Cookie Monsters !!

With summer coming to an end and the #1 and #2 going back to school, it was time to think about school lunches and what are we going to do.  Hot lunch? Probably not with the two picky pallets I have to cook for everyday. Cold lunch is the ticket. So off to the store to get lunch goodies.  What is the number one thing I have to listen to when shopping.  "Dad, why do you always have to make something why can't you just buy cookies."  "Because I am cheap and homemade is so much better." I swear that line never works. This is where the story takes a turn.

Since I have been working my part time job every weekend, the first lady has been hanging with the kids and last weekend decided to try her hand at feeding the cookie monsters. Now the first lady will be the first one to tell you she is very kitchen challenged.  Working the mixer to her is like driving a brand new car with a manual transmission!! What is the third pedal used for?? She looked up the recipe on the computer, to execute the directions.  All the ingredients in the pool except for you mister brown sugar, you stay out on the side lines.  Whoops.  Well lets just say the first batch looked good but I refer to them as the diabetic cookies.

Second round the first lady nails it, knocks it out of the park.  WOW those are great M&M cookies.  In fact she was so impressed with the batch she decided to make another batch the next day just to validate the proficiency of her new found skill.  Now I'm not quite ready to open a cookie stand at the state fair but these were right up there in my top three best. Way to go First Lady, way to put the smack down on the kitchen and show it who's the boss.  Best of all, it is nice to hear "Dad can I have homemade cookie in my lunch?"  

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Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...