Wednesday, September 26, 2012


What the...or should I say where the... heck has summer gone?  Does anyone remember back to their grade school days when summer vacation lasted forever, well a heck of a long time. I went swimming everyday, hung out with my friends, biked all over the town, went tubing down the Kasson creek after a hard rain.  This all before noon most days. I still had time to mow lawns for money, clean the garage, play little league.

This year I jumped in the pool 3 times, grilled out twice, one round of golf and I can't remember doing anything else.  What the heck, am I just that busy.  Is everyone that busy?  I know time gets quicker as we get older but this is a little crazy.  I think the answer lies in the fact that I'm not taking inventory of what I'm doing everyday.  I'm not taking the time to reflect on the week or month.  I need to keep a diary to remind myself that I do a lot everyday.  Maybe what I'll do is post once a week what I did, this may force me to slow down and take notice of the things around me.

So going forward I will post my blog every Monday on what I did for the week.  This way I will have a record of the things I have done.  It will force me to write more instead of just a quick post on Facebook.  I will be able to reflect and feel that I have accomplished a lot in the short time they call life.  Yes this is a great idea.  52 weeks, 52 posts.  52 disjointed efforts at cheap entertainment based on "Brian's Crazy Life"

See ya Monday.

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