Sunday, January 8, 2012

Whats New??

I haven't written in a while and since I really haven't been in the mood.  I haven't been just lounging around though, I have been working, working, working!!  Maybe so much that I haven't had time to write...ahhh lets go with that one!  So what have I been doing?? First of all for those that haven't been keeping up with the band thing, Relentless (the band I was performing in) an I decided to go in different directions, so if you go see Relentless and don't see me it because they are in a different direction.  I have a new project...drum roll please!  "The Pickup Boys"  which you can find at or Facebook.  I have been practicing with a new group of guys, OK well one new guy, (the others I have seen before).  Jay is back and taking time from his own project to lay down the drums for the new group.  Mike is back from a 10 year hiatus (you have to go all the way back to Silo Shakers for that one) and the new guy Barry (new to me not Mike).  We are practicing all new material, (which I haven't done in 7-8 years) and getting ready to start booking gigs. It is a labor of love although it takes 6 months of practicing to get it right. I don't have much more to spill in that area so what else is new?  #1 is in 4th grade and #2 is in 1st grade.  You can catch there pictures on FB.

The big news is .....Where's winter?  I can't believe its forty degrees today and I should go mow my law just so I can say I mowed my law in January.  My folks decided not to go to Arizona this year so I really think AZ came to MN.  It really is the only thing I can think of that can explain the weather.  Well its time to take off my big fuzzy Vikings slippers and had to Walmart.  Enjoy your winter.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...