Friday, November 16, 2012

No more running with the bulls!!

Black Friday has now become "Red Thursday" Let me explain what this means to me and you decide.  A couple of years ago I put up a blog about Black Friday . I explained how it was my "Running with the bulls" Well with increased competition the retailers in there wisdom decided to move Black Friday to Thursday, and still call it black Friday.  I'm not happy at all, and its not about the invasion of T-Day, its stupid Idea that if you keep moving up the time you will get more people.

Me and the first lady used to look forward to getting up at 3 am, wrestling on the cold weather gear, coffee up, and stand in line with hoards of others checking our watches in anticipation of executing our strategy for procuring the latest electronics for ridiculously low prices. We would split up and 20 minutes later find each other and compare baskets.  We would be done and home by 10 am, gloating over the bags and boxes of merchandise we wrestled into our possession then go to bed for a nice and well deserved 3 hour nap.

"Red Thursday" is now starting at 8 am on turkey day.  My plan of attack is to drive home after our family gathering, go to bed and get up at 5 am, drive to work and stop at Walmart and see whats left.  I fell like I'm in the Grinch who stole black Friday.  Am I getting old? Tiered?  I don't know, I just miss the running of the bulls and maybe retail will figure this out or maybe next year Friday will be the Wednesday before Thursday.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

WAR on Women

Get the tanks, grenades, and machine guns ready because war has broken out.  War against Terrorism?  War Against Drugs? NO! War against women.  WAR!  Really. When I think of war I think of people getting killed.  Are we really killing women now? Rest assured America is not killing women, but you should get the facts on what this so called war is about.

The war is on human recklessness not women.  Paying for and excepting poor decision making should not be  a tax payers function.  Let me explain, because this boils down to pretty much one point and one institution.  "Planned Parenthood."

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's if you wanted to go engage in risky business you could NOT go to the drug store and purchase protection.  You would have to find someone of age (embarrassing), and pay  $20 -$30. The girl would often go to "Planned Parenthood" and get protection so the behavior could commence, (well at least if they were responsible). I was afraid to get my girlfriend pregnant so I just didn't engage in that much reckless behavior. To me this is my definition of morals and something "PP" does not recognize.

Today you don't have these obstacles. If you want protection you can go to Walmart and stock up all you want. Hell, schools were handing them out like candy. If you want to go on the pill, a quick visit to the doctor and you get a script for nine bucks. Congratulations! you don't have to risk an early induction into the grandparents club. but not so fast there sparky.

 "Planned Parenthood" now not only gives away birth control but promotes abortion and the morning after pill.  (Parents you don't need to know) So in sense you can go be as reckless as you want, not own up for your mistakes and our Government will not only pay for this behavior but encourage it. If your child was taking drugs wouldn't you want to be informed? Reckless sexual behavior, nah that is OK.

So where is the WAR, women?  Taxpayers are simply saying, go get your own $9 condoms. If you can't afford 9 bucks maybe you shouldn't be appropriating.  Go see the doctor, if your parents don't agree well maybe they might be right.  If your of age and can't afford protection, ahhh you might want to give up beer and cigarettes because a baby will cost much more. My guess is that if "Planned Parenthood" is so important there will be private funding for this.  Forcing taxpayers to pay for reckless behavior, well you decide if the WAR is worth the fight.  My stance is very clear and easy to understand.  If you want to do anything and everything with your life and you pay for it, God Bless, it is your decision.  Don't ask me to pay for something and expect me to not have a say. Women...there is no WAR on you or your vagina (MSNBC commentator comment)  There is a disagreement with the morals your asking me to financially support.  GO VOTE!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh DEER !!

As I mentioned in my earlier post I plan on summing up the week in my humorous fashion so I may reflect on the week as time slips by. "Summers Over"  Well what can I say, no shortage of events to write about.  Lets start out with the car that refuses to die.  I have a 95 Ford Taurus that has just short of a billion miles on it. Why do a keep such an outdated car? Because it has to die on its own.  I paid $100 for this car 7 years ago and its still paying me pack for all the cars that left me hanging money wise. Last week the car was acting up and I knew it was electrical so I sent the car with the first lady to get a wire or two replaced, well it turned out the car need only one spark plug wire, one new headlight, the hood fixed...ahhh what? Yep the first lady clipped a deer on the way to work. I fully expected this to be the end but once again the good ole ford escapes with just another war wound.  This brings me to Friday.

 The first lady was supposed to have her hair cut on Friday, but because of circumstances beyond her control it was canceled, so she stayed home and just happen to record twin cites live which we never watch because Sean Casey was on the program promoting his new Imax film about tornadoes that I wanted to see which I would not have know if it weren't for the canceled appointment (your supposed to read that as one long sentence!) ..hmmm coincidence or other powers at work?? So we decided to go to the Cites Sunday and see the film and actually meet Sean Casey.    

But what happens when you go to the cites in and don't have lunch?  You have to stop at the only place the first lady has been dying to go to for years.  "Joe's Crab Shack"  For some reason every time we want to go we could not find the address or it was closed or something was weird.  Sunday was the day for everything to come together.  Planets are in alignment, all the stars are at full brightness, and the weather was incredible.  A string of good luck?? Perhaps.  My hard knocks account finally getting some payback?  Just maybe.  All I know is that if it wasn't for the Deer, maybe nothing else would have worked out so well for the weekend.  This week who knows where the wind will blow.  All I know is it is supposed to get colder, and we are going someplace warmer.  And no I don't expect to see any Deer there!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Cookie Monsters !!

With summer coming to an end and the #1 and #2 going back to school, it was time to think about school lunches and what are we going to do.  Hot lunch? Probably not with the two picky pallets I have to cook for everyday. Cold lunch is the ticket. So off to the store to get lunch goodies.  What is the number one thing I have to listen to when shopping.  "Dad, why do you always have to make something why can't you just buy cookies."  "Because I am cheap and homemade is so much better." I swear that line never works. This is where the story takes a turn.

Since I have been working my part time job every weekend, the first lady has been hanging with the kids and last weekend decided to try her hand at feeding the cookie monsters. Now the first lady will be the first one to tell you she is very kitchen challenged.  Working the mixer to her is like driving a brand new car with a manual transmission!! What is the third pedal used for?? She looked up the recipe on the computer, to execute the directions.  All the ingredients in the pool except for you mister brown sugar, you stay out on the side lines.  Whoops.  Well lets just say the first batch looked good but I refer to them as the diabetic cookies.

Second round the first lady nails it, knocks it out of the park.  WOW those are great M&M cookies.  In fact she was so impressed with the batch she decided to make another batch the next day just to validate the proficiency of her new found skill.  Now I'm not quite ready to open a cookie stand at the state fair but these were right up there in my top three best. Way to go First Lady, way to put the smack down on the kitchen and show it who's the boss.  Best of all, it is nice to hear "Dad can I have homemade cookie in my lunch?"  


What the...or should I say where the... heck has summer gone?  Does anyone remember back to their grade school days when summer vacation lasted forever, well a heck of a long time. I went swimming everyday, hung out with my friends, biked all over the town, went tubing down the Kasson creek after a hard rain.  This all before noon most days. I still had time to mow lawns for money, clean the garage, play little league.

This year I jumped in the pool 3 times, grilled out twice, one round of golf and I can't remember doing anything else.  What the heck, am I just that busy.  Is everyone that busy?  I know time gets quicker as we get older but this is a little crazy.  I think the answer lies in the fact that I'm not taking inventory of what I'm doing everyday.  I'm not taking the time to reflect on the week or month.  I need to keep a diary to remind myself that I do a lot everyday.  Maybe what I'll do is post once a week what I did, this may force me to slow down and take notice of the things around me.

So going forward I will post my blog every Monday on what I did for the week.  This way I will have a record of the things I have done.  It will force me to write more instead of just a quick post on Facebook.  I will be able to reflect and feel that I have accomplished a lot in the short time they call life.  Yes this is a great idea.  52 weeks, 52 posts.  52 disjointed efforts at cheap entertainment based on "Brian's Crazy Life"

See ya Monday.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Patience will be rewarded !!

Hi,  Sometimes I forget I have a blog and other times I don't feel as anyone is reading. Google has updated the web layout and analytics so yes I see people do read and more than I think.  I have a lot of new things to share as well as a couple of new features.  If you follow politics, (I do and I care) I will be posting my opinion from time to time.  I also am starting a really good band and I will be posting a video blog on the "Making of the band"  (catch that at I want everyone to know I haven't forgot how to type and I have 100's of more funny stories like this...

#2 comes into my office (Band room) at home crying because her big sister gets to stay up and she has to go to bed.  (she is 7)  "Its no fair Dad, its just not fair (you have to imagine the big tears) #1 (insert sisters name)  gets to do everything because shes older and more creative."  I had to look away I was laughing so hard,  really ... more Creative.  I guess it comes down to perspective.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tons O New

Hi everyone!  Yes is your old friend Brian who everyone forgot about because I have failed to write.  I have "Tons O New"  stuff that is, happening all around me.  Lets get started shall we??

First off the new band.  Yes the Pickup boys are finally here.  Check out the new site and let me know what you think.  There is the Pickup boys on Facebook.  Hmmmm,  A new Single for sale on Google Play.  "Hold on Virginia" for $.49 (real bargain).  We are hoping to hit the road by June so check back on the sites for a schedule update.  Don't forget the mobile site also at ""

I also started a new Job with Mayo Clinic,  so yes indeed I am busy, plus a new Cat named "Chase" (the name should be "sleep").  What else...hmmm oh yeh, I finished my recording studio in my home. (That were the single came from).  What else.  Oh, I have learned to type 1000 words a minute and can tie my shoe with my tongue.    I could go on and on, but I'll stop and give it a rest and let everyone catch up to me.  I will blog sooner than later so stick around.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Win, Lose, Draw

Some days you win, some days you lose, and some days it’s a draw.  This is one of those days that ended in a draw, or so I think.
A while back I was new to the Telephony business, (Telephone stuff) for a larger corporation.  I was in charge of programming servers and setting up remote workers with phone service that connected to our internal switch (Phone Server).   When agents get ready to go out in the field it is my job to make sure they have the right phone equipment and know how to use it.  This would consist of a IP phone, power brick, (power adaptor for the phone), and cables. 
On one occasion I found myself short one power brick and had to order one from a vendor.  We just send an email and they send the product and bill us.  I contacted the rep who I have a good report with and sent out the following email, copying only my manager.
“Do you have any Power Pricks you can send me?”  His response was classic.
“Yes we have quite a few of them here, who are you looking for?”
Once again, spell check works, only for spelling!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Whats New??

I haven't written in a while and since I really haven't been in the mood.  I haven't been just lounging around though, I have been working, working, working!!  Maybe so much that I haven't had time to write...ahhh lets go with that one!  So what have I been doing?? First of all for those that haven't been keeping up with the band thing, Relentless (the band I was performing in) an I decided to go in different directions, so if you go see Relentless and don't see me it because they are in a different direction.  I have a new project...drum roll please!  "The Pickup Boys"  which you can find at or Facebook.  I have been practicing with a new group of guys, OK well one new guy, (the others I have seen before).  Jay is back and taking time from his own project to lay down the drums for the new group.  Mike is back from a 10 year hiatus (you have to go all the way back to Silo Shakers for that one) and the new guy Barry (new to me not Mike).  We are practicing all new material, (which I haven't done in 7-8 years) and getting ready to start booking gigs. It is a labor of love although it takes 6 months of practicing to get it right. I don't have much more to spill in that area so what else is new?  #1 is in 4th grade and #2 is in 1st grade.  You can catch there pictures on FB.

The big news is .....Where's winter?  I can't believe its forty degrees today and I should go mow my law just so I can say I mowed my law in January.  My folks decided not to go to Arizona this year so I really think AZ came to MN.  It really is the only thing I can think of that can explain the weather.  Well its time to take off my big fuzzy Vikings slippers and had to Walmart.  Enjoy your winter.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...