Friday, September 9, 2011

Business Sucks and Government is Great...WHAT???

On the Heels of the president’s speech about putting everyone to work, I would like to take a few minutes to embellish on a post I read.  Below was a reply (obvious liberal lover) on why capitalism is bad and government is great. Please read and I will rebuttal, because I see this way too often and I can’t stand this single sided argument.    

Private enterprise is by its nature sociopathic and interested only in the benefit of the few people who autocratically control that enterprise. I do believe that having faith in capitalism to "save us" or to act in any way other than the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many is naive to the extreme. I am happy to look back at our history during simpler, better times when there was less regulation and we were free to pollute without restriction, utilize child labor, and benefit from slavery. By all means, let’s go back to those good old days. How dare the government take those things away from us?

Ok, why is it every time somebody wants less Government intrusion the pundits always go back to the cave man days.  All or nothing doesn’t work.  Below is a great rebuttal and reflects my views exactly.

Nice try - but your attempt to suggest that advocating less regulation means advocating no regulation is spurious and deceitful, and frankly proof that your argument holds no water. Try going back 30-years when we didn't have slavery or child labor or rampant pollution and look at the mindset and policies that prompted two decades of unprecedented growth.

Your position that enterprise is by its nature sociopathic defies logic and facts - but certainly reveals your bias and speaks for itself in terms of any credibility you may have.

Business survives by creating value for others. Those firms that seek to serve only a few, by definition, cannot survive - unless they are insulated by government and regulation. You also ignore the fact that business is responsible for the vast majority of philanthropy and innovation that makes our lives better.

Yes, we should have regulations that prevent monopolies from forming and yes we should have laws that punish fraud and enforce contracts. This is a far cry from either abolishing government or looking to it to solve all our problems.

Government is the prime example of diminishing returns ... just because a little is good, doesn't mean that more is better.

Or perhaps you'll relate to a George Carlin quote: "If you smoke dope, don't smoke dope when you're high ... you won't get any higher, you'll just get lower on dope."

Where do you stand??? 

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...