Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Goodbye my Friend

I grew up in a house devoid of pets.  Always wanted a dog, but the closest I came was two turtle's happily named "Mertel and Gertel" One thing I know is that I absolutely, bombastically, catastrophically, did not, could not and would not own a cat! They shed everywhere, meowed all the time, and made me cough and sneeze.  I once lived with a friend of mine for the summer who had 3 cats and I was miserable. No cats end of story!! Or so I thought.  I started dating the first lady 4 plus years ago. Six months later she moves in with me and talks me into letting her cat become part of the family.  I insisted the cat stay in the computer room and was never allowed in the bedroom, litter box changed hourly, and if I hear one meow it was out the door.  That's when I met Magna (we called her Maggie).
 Maggie was a cat that was rescued from the human society.  I don't know what happened to her but she did not like people very much.  I remember the day she came home, we had bought a pet carrier and put in a nice towel for her to lay on and introduced her to her new home.  After 10 minutes of being skittish, she finally went in and laid down.  Soon after number 1 and 2 found the new arrival and picked up the pet carrier and started shaking it violently trying to get the cat to come out.  She never returned to that house.
 Maggie spent the next year hanging out in the computer room and getting to know the house better.  Once in a while we would have to look for her and her new hiding spot.  I often said if it wasn't for the littler box no one would know we had a cat.  Slowly she took up more real estate and before I knew it she was sleeping in her bed in our room.

 Her favorite pastimes had become sleeping under the covers with the first lady, taking a stroll out on the deck Sunday mornings when we would have breakfast outside, and her nightly runs threw the house.  Four months ago we noticed a lump and discovered cancer.  We decided since Maggie was 12-13 years old that treatment would only hasten things.   We decided to instead be her champions and for the past months have keep her spirits up while giving her lots of love.  As I write this she is curled up next to mom and enjoying her last night with the family.  Tomorrow her journey with us ends and her new journey awaits.  Her final resting place will be under our nice shade tree where the kids can stop by and say hi from time to time.  Her biggest accomplishment was changing a stubborn old man into a sappy ole' cat lover.  She has brought more joy to me than I ever could have ever imagined.  The little brown cat named Magna...thanks for being part of my life. I will miss you!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wells Fargo Sucks

Here’s my story. I like technology and if anyone has used Quicken you know there are benefits but everything is still a manual process. I discovered Mint.com and was impressed how the website linked to your account and pulled all the information into it making checking and budgeting a snap. I was able to link to all my credit cards and loans and bank account, I was in virtual heaven. 6 months later the bank decided to change their security and now the link is eternally broken, whoa is me! Finally last week I decided to open a checking account at Wells Fargo for the convenience of online banking with Mint.com. What a stupid move that was!!!

I opened the account online and had them take a hundred bucks out of my other account. I figured I would do this in steps and move things a little at a time (This turned out to be a very bright idea). A couple of days later I signed up for online banking and to my surprise the money was not in the account yet. ( I didn’t think too much of this at the time) The band did a gig downtown and I decided it would be convenient to run over to the bank to cash the check and give the guys cash.

HOLD ON a minute little whipper snapper!! You want to cash a check that has your name on it at a bank that you do business with, or at least trying? Forget that!! After 30 minutes of being told why they wouldn’t cash the check I decided…”the hell with you then, close my account.”” We can’t close your account you have no money in it.” After 5 days still no funds and I have record that they took them out.

Now comes the fun part. 2 days later I get a letter telling me they have closed my account and will not be doing business with me. WTF is that!!! I call up “Wells Fargo” and try to explain I they have a hundred bucks of mine and I would like it back, “ahhh your wrong mister we don’t have your money its your other banks problem.” I would have choked the rat basted right there. Then I explained if I have the bank research this they will charge a fee, the jack ass tried to tell me they don’t charge fees for research and other things. BULLSHIT!! If you go use the restroom in a “Wells Fargo” they charge you a freekin’ fee. Clearly this was the dudes first day on the job. (Btw that was after I was transferred o the phone three times.)

I ASSUME (with a capital ASS for me) that I will see a check for a hundred smackers soon. If not by Monday (2 weeks later) I guess it time to file papers in court. I’m just flabbergasted that a company could act like this and get away with it, and people keep banking there. I guess I’m not the only one with a beef, check out the website below.

I’ll let you know the outcome.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...