Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are you Angry Yet?

I listen and watch a lot of news.  Why?...good question!  Most things on TV now days bore me.  Sitcoms are all the same sexual banter.  Reality shows are all about fights and ccontroversy's.  American Chopper, to me, used to be about the next bike and how radical the style was, sure there were Paul Sr. fights, but at the end of the show everyone gave each other a hug and we got to see a great bike. Now it's about fighting and we get to see 10 min of bike building.  I don't really understand how everyone got so angry.  The press is divided in too two camps, the left and the right, both yelling at each other.  The Government is yelling at the people to conform and the people yelling at the govt to get lost.  Why can't we all just give each other a hug.  MTV...Quit with the scream fest of shows and put on some content worth watching.  A&E, there is more to TV than Hording and Substance abuse (I get the message, drugs and to much stuff is bad).  Ghost me a fliping ghost or quit hunting 'cause you suck at capturing ghost video. Showtime and HBO...there is more to life than smoking weed and being a whore.  What ever happened to Humor?  Tim Allen, Bill Cosby?  I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old. 

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...