Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Game Over !!

Ok, ok, Maybe this hasn't happened to you but I swear only the craziest things happen to me! Here's the poop... I was driving back from Waterloo Sunday afternoon after a successful weekend of performing. (For you people not keeping score I play fiddle and piano in a country band...yeh and guitar) The first Lady wanted to stop for a break and get something to drink. I think we were around lake mills Iowa. I pulled into a convenient store parking lot which had a Taco Johns connected to it. The first Lady went into the store and I sat in the car keeping myself busy. ( I just found out how great wet naps are at cleaning windows and electronics in the car. I mean streak free shine, give it a try sometime. Tell Heloise that you picked that trick up from me.) Anyway, I'm minding my own business watching the family in the van next to me fight over who is going to sit where when all the sudden this old lady comes walking toward my car. I'm not really paying attention until the door opens. I expect her to realize that this is the Wrong Car and shuffle by but Ohhhh no, she plants her wide ass right next to me and starts talking about her tacos. I'm literally shocked! The first lady goes in to the store and a troll comes out. What did I do to deserve this? After she shuts the door I turn and ask her "Where would you like to go?" She didn't blink an eye, just says "Crap wrong car," and got out. Are they lacking Optometrists in Iowa or what? Embarrassing enough,  then I see the lady in the van next to me bent over laughing so hard she looks like shes having a heart-attack. (You can see where this is about to go) I slowly roll down the passenger window and she she blurts out "Hell of a trade...ehh" I have nothing more to say!! Game Over.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...