Friday, April 16, 2010


I've been out of the writing mood for quite a while. Been traveling with work, joined a new band, and have had the ho-hums for quite a while. Time to kick myself in the butt and get something done!! There...that should do the trick. First of all I have been traveling for work installing phone systems for our sister companies. This has taken me to Waco Texas a just back from Rexburg Idaho. I don't remember spending much time in Idaho. It's one of those out of the way places that you might travel through if you are going to Washington but that is about it. The land reminds me of the hills of Arizona, and it should its the same mountain chain. The area is surrounded by mountains and is only 50 miles from the grand Tetons. Once again I probably would never see this country if it weren't for work. (Bye the way the Potato's where awesome tasting.) Another feature of the area is the Mormon Churches that dotted the area. You couldn't miss them at night because they were lit up like the sun. Somehow I always antiquated the Salt Lake area as the Mormon retreat, I guess I learned something new. Another thing that never dawned on me was BYU. I've always heard of the college but never thought of it as a Mormon college. As soon as someone said Brigham Young my head snapped together and somehow I knew that Brigham was a Mormon and the founder of the college. Weird??? (In the Picture I am standing by the Snake river in front of a Mormon Church.) OK I'll talk more about the other things I mentioned earlier. Got to run.

1 comment:

  1. Mormons have churches all over. The one in the picture looks like the one in Salt Lake.

    You and Rob should communicate, he is/was doing that same type of work for Walgreens I think. Last I heard things were kind of slow. I think he mentioned wanting to start his own business.

    What is the name of the band and what happened to "The Ride"


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 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...