Monday, February 22, 2010

Hang in There!

I haven't been feeling the best the last couple of weeks, but I have a lot to talk about. Just letting everyone know I haven't given up on writing, just trying to get into the swing of things again. I'm working on a Pod Cast which I'm not sure if I'm gonna post it here. Good chance, but it's gong to be on the political side of things and.... anyway, if you don't like it I guess you won't listen! I'm excited for the challenge, and need to get a few more things ready before I launch. I'm also working of the new solo show. the Tommy bryan show. As you can see I have quite a few irons in the fire, and I'm trying to loose weight. (I will write about this soon) So..hang in there people you will be rewarded.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Bye Ole' Friend

I was going to talk about my car but I got distracted with LIFE again, so here is that story. Ever have a car break down to the point of no return? Most people trade in their cars every couple of years and get a fresh one so they don’t have to worry about minor break downs. What about the Major ones? What a horrible feeling to think the car you were just driving about 2 minutes ago will no longer be dependable, reliable, good to go, old faithful anymore. I used to think that a car was just a mechanical device that was supposed to get me from point A to point B. I found out the most people see their car as a relations ship, an emotional mechanical relationship. People eat in their car, some sleep in their car; some people I know even have names for their car. Then, when the time comes to get rid of the car, it’s almost like losing a friend. We are happy to get the new shiny one, but sad to see our old friend dragged away. I lost my old friend a month ago. I only owned the car for 18 months, paid a little bit for it but the car served me well. Number one and number two got used to the routine of a two door, (lift the seat and squeeze in back). They both enjoyed shifting the stick as I drove, and also the donuts in the snow with the E-brake. I parked the car new year’s eve at worked and when I went to leave the car wouldn’t start. The diagnosis was a broken timing chain. That was enough to put me over the top and start the process of looking for a new car. Horary for technology!!! Ask a few friends on Facebook and poof, a new…or should I say, “used car but new to me car” was available. I went for a look and the car had been set aside for the last 6 months because a newer model was in the garage. It was a little neglected and ran rough, but I felt I could nurse her back to health. I went home and took inventory on everything that was wrong. I got a parts list which consisted of a Fuel pressure regulator, 18” piece of vacuum hose, new wiper blades, new light bulb and finally 4 new hubcaps. I spent an hour fixing the car, gave it a bath and back to life she came. The payment and pickup of the old car was yesterday which closes the chapter on that book, but a new chapter is ahead. I’m sad to see the old red car go to the Junk yard, but I’m thrilled to have a new reliable friend.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...