Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Interupt this Program!!

WOW am i getting sick and tired of hearing about how everyone needs to go after those filthy stinking rich people with higher taxes. Do the Lib's or Progressives get it or not. I think not! If I was a rich person I should care, but I'm not and I'm outraged by this crappy stinkin' thinking. Tonight I heard Mark Dayton " Of the Dayton fortune" say he was running for Gov. of Minnesota. The first thing out of his mouth was that he was going to raise taxes on the rich. Minnesota is the 2nd highest tax state in the nation. What is so wrong with cutting spending? If you make a hand-out available, sure as shit someones gonna stand in line for it. Quit giving our money away to every sad sack, and start working programs. I know there are thousands of jobs that can be done with no experience. Bad back,'s a job you can do instead of collecting free health care and welfare. We need to reach back to the days when the church took care of the poor, and we did it with donations because we CARED!!! Letting someone spend my tax dollars on what they think is necessary is pure bull. Let me take care of my neighbor. In-turn he will enrich my life. The rich don't have to live in Minnesota, they are rich, they can live anywhere and will. So Mark Dayton, if you think those rich bastards need to be taxed more why don't you limit yourself to $50k a year and give the rest of your wealth to the poor. Then people might give a shit when you talk. For now...."Shut the hell up!"


  1. You sound upset and frustrated. We need to educate our nieghbors and fellow church members. Most people do not even remember that the Republicans free the slaves, not the Democrats.

  2. Mark Dayton would be the worse choice for governor ever!

  3. It's hard to take seriously people who don't know how to spell or use the right words. I'm not sure who either of these comments are from, but it's not convincing when you can't use your language correctly.

    Please try again.


Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...