Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Behind the 8 ball Again

I haven't been to crazy about writing. A string of bad luck has sort of got me in the dumps. I shall not let the negatives win, so on-ward and up-ward. I think it all started with a very low vacation year. Feels like all I do is work. For the last two weeks I have been fighting computer viruses that have taken over every computer I own. The computer fight is coming to an end, I have cleaned up this one and IT took my other home to cook pancakes on. Really they are removing the good files so I can do a fresh install of windows. Every computer need to get a fresh start and by God this one is due. One thing I want to say, and I'm not a spokesman for any backup service, but if you keep just one photo on your computer...GET AN ONLINE BACKUP SERVICE!!! Don't do it tomorrow! TODAY!!! No-one has the time to back up there files and the online services do a great job for little money. It's an automatic thing and will save your life someday. It's like your driving instructor said "It's not if you get in an accident but When!". Your computer will crash, get infected and like me you will hack around for two weeks ignoring everyone and everything till you conquer the little s.o.b's or you go insane. I'm a competitor and I HATE to loose. Sometimes you just have to know when to bring in a ringer at the last moment. So hopefully by this weekend I'll be up and running on all computer fronts. I also had time in the last two weeks to blow up the engine in my car. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow. Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say it, but you could always buy a Mac!


Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...