Monday, November 29, 2010

And We're Off !!

Black Friday strikes again.  I love black Friday.  Why you say?  The competition, the thrill of the sale.  Ahhh this year, not so much.  Here's what happened.  About three weeks ago we started getting the ads online.  I searched and searched but nobody had really anything I wanted.  I thought as time grew closer I would see something that was a great buy, but nothing. Maybe I have everything?  (#1 and #2 remind me they don't have everything). I even put myself into a great buying position by selling off some old band gear. Cash ready, and willing I still couldn't find anything that tripped my trigger.  I really need a new computer, but I couldn't find the exact one.  I wanted a new TV, but I didn't see one that was really an outstanding bargain.   I need a new gas stove, but come-on do you really think Walmart is going to put ranges on sale.  

I think what the problem is; I don't need an upgrade this year.  Computer is still working fine, camera takes fine pictures.  The kids seem to be a little older and the $5 and $10 gifts aren't quite as appealing.  Chalk it up to "maturity" yes the dreaded word I thought I would never say.  Life is not quite about "wants" anymore as it is about traveling and family.  Having the coolest car, is not as practical as my over sized E150 Van.  I get more out of seeing the enjoyment on my children's face as they discover new ideas and learn about life.  Not to mention the joy they will get from watching my new 55" TV.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Greatest Gift

A couple of days ago I went with the first lady , #1 and #2 to the open house at their school. I was lucky enough to have a school built in my backyard, so the girls have a whole new adventure. #1 has been going to school across town, and #2 has been itching to start Kindergarten all summer long. With the new school they both can walk to school and walk to child care after school. (read my earlier post)

We toured the school and all the new amenities it has to offer. (Most notably air conditioning) We meet the girls teachers and examined all parts of the premises including the playground. It started getting late and I asked the girls to head to the car for the 5 block ride home. They both started whining about not getting to play enough on the playground equipment but I told them it was late and we had to go. Right then, #1 pulled out the mother of all phrases and let me have it…”I hate you dad!”

Wow, the mother of all phrases! “I hate you Dad”. (This reminded me of the movie “A Christmas story” were Ralph drops the “oh fudge” line when he kicks the hubcap full of lug nuts.) No going back now, it’s out there. #1 hates her father! No I didn’t go home and make her stand in the bathroom with a bar of soap in her mouth. I let it sink in a moment, then I let her know how disappointed I was to hear that she hated her dad. The conversation was about as brief as the trip home. Once there the kids went to the living room to play Wii and I went to the computer room to catch up on some work. About 10 minutes later I heard some crying followed by #1 saying to #2 that she has to go talk to dad. #1 came in and started crying and telling me how sorry she was for telling me she hated me. She gave me a huge hug and told me how much she loved me and that she didn’t want me to be hurt by the awful thing she had said. As the father of an 8 year old, I was floored by the maturity I was hearing. She was more hurt than me by what she said. We both hugged and I assured her that I love her very much and I expect her to be disappointed with my decisions from time to time. I can tell you, that moment moved me more than anything else in my life. As a parent I give a lot of love to my kids and never expect to get a high return. This one broke my bank. I can’t tell you how proud I am that I’m raising a girl that not only loves her father but has the mindset to realize that one’s actions can hurt someone. I know my kids have given me plenty of gifts I the past, homemade greeting cards, candy, I don’t remember all of them but I will never forget this one, the gift of Love.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Parents Gone Crazy

I've got a beef.  Yes I said beef.  Here it is.... Over-parenting!  What is it with parents now days that they have to shuttle there kids around like cattle everywhere.  Whats wrong with the bus?  Ever heard of walking?  Got Bike?

I have #1 and #2 in a new school this year, #1 in 3rd grade and #2 in Kindergarten. They have daycare four blocks from the school in a very heavy kid populated area with brand new sidewalks.  (Not to mention I live about 5 blocks in the other direction) Their mother wants to pick them up everyday after school and run them to daycare.  I'm seriously not buying this.  Drive 40 minutes round trip from work to pick up the kids and drive them four blocks.  Can you hear me screaming??  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids but when are they going to learn the meaning of responsibility if they never do anything on their own?  If we continuously hold their hands, are they ever going to remember to put on boots, hats, gloves? How many times have I had to run to the school because #1 forgot her coat, or snow pants.  If it's 10 degrees outside and you have to walk you might not forget your coat.  Instant responsibility via mother nature.

When I was 5, I was walking to school in a Texas border town. When I moved to Minnesota, I can't remember a day I didn't walk to school or take the bus.  Do you think for one minute I would leave my snowmobile suit or snowmobile boots at school? (yeh we called them snowmobile suits and snowmobile boots) Have we frightened ourselves in being slaves to our kids.  Is it guilt for not spending enough time with them.  Most parents sit right next to their children at the table and do their homework.  What is that supposed to accomplish?  As long as #1 and #2 aren't walking thru bear infested woods to get to their appointed safe-house I think we are "OK" here. 

Call me a throwback to earlier times, call me crazy, but lets "let-go" of the tether people and let the kids learn a little responsibility 4 blocks at a time.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are you Angry Yet?

I listen and watch a lot of news.  Why?...good question!  Most things on TV now days bore me.  Sitcoms are all the same sexual banter.  Reality shows are all about fights and ccontroversy's.  American Chopper, to me, used to be about the next bike and how radical the style was, sure there were Paul Sr. fights, but at the end of the show everyone gave each other a hug and we got to see a great bike. Now it's about fighting and we get to see 10 min of bike building.  I don't really understand how everyone got so angry.  The press is divided in too two camps, the left and the right, both yelling at each other.  The Government is yelling at the people to conform and the people yelling at the govt to get lost.  Why can't we all just give each other a hug.  MTV...Quit with the scream fest of shows and put on some content worth watching.  A&E, there is more to TV than Hording and Substance abuse (I get the message, drugs and to much stuff is bad).  Ghost me a fliping ghost or quit hunting 'cause you suck at capturing ghost video. Showtime and HBO...there is more to life than smoking weed and being a whore.  What ever happened to Humor?  Tim Allen, Bill Cosby?  I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Rate It

Since I travel quite a bit for Band and work Ithought I would start rating the hotels that I stay in.  Back in the day I used to rate them by the quality of the shower.  In some of the places we stayed you would have thought the plumber was four feet high.  The water would hit you in the knee caps and to get your hair wet you would almost have to lay on the floor. (Park Rapids MN) Or how about the showers that spray so much air and water its like getting sand blasted. (EuClair WI) A good shower always makes the day better or the night more comfortable.  I think I'll use the same gauge and rate the last couple of stays.

First off I stayed at the Isle Casino of Waterloo.  When you say Waterloo it's doesn't conjure up thoughts of class but hold on...this was a surprise.  I checked into the hotel with the first lady and OMG what a room.  (It's comped because I'm there performing, which makes it even better)  I couldn't believe the room, everything the finest $400.00 rooms could offer and in Waterloo of all places.  Her is the shower rating...5 out of 5 stars.  Nothing could be better.  

You walk in and at first you don't even see the shower, that is very cool.  You turn to the right and there it is, glass partitioned door, tiled with even a seat.  The water came out like a rain shower, towels were nicely stashed in a cuby in the shower area it's self, so no door opening and getting a chill.  Heck with room, I'll live in the shower.

Hayatt Regency downtown Minneapolis.  This was interesting.  I pricelined the hotel and they my put the Pricelinners in the old wing.  Room was OK, shower was typical, good pressure old but sturdy.  I'd give it a solid 3 stars, but for the Hyatt, I expect more so sorry your getting bumped to 2 1/2 stars. 

I stayed in the Doubletree downtown Minneapolis and that shower rocked.  Great view thru the clear glass (not plastic) but glass.  Very modern theme.  4 1/2 stars. 

I'll be a little more proactive with the blog, been very busy with the band and work.  Things are good so check back soon.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Game Over !!

Ok, ok, Maybe this hasn't happened to you but I swear only the craziest things happen to me! Here's the poop... I was driving back from Waterloo Sunday afternoon after a successful weekend of performing. (For you people not keeping score I play fiddle and piano in a country band...yeh and guitar) The first Lady wanted to stop for a break and get something to drink. I think we were around lake mills Iowa. I pulled into a convenient store parking lot which had a Taco Johns connected to it. The first Lady went into the store and I sat in the car keeping myself busy. ( I just found out how great wet naps are at cleaning windows and electronics in the car. I mean streak free shine, give it a try sometime. Tell Heloise that you picked that trick up from me.) Anyway, I'm minding my own business watching the family in the van next to me fight over who is going to sit where when all the sudden this old lady comes walking toward my car. I'm not really paying attention until the door opens. I expect her to realize that this is the Wrong Car and shuffle by but Ohhhh no, she plants her wide ass right next to me and starts talking about her tacos. I'm literally shocked! The first lady goes in to the store and a troll comes out. What did I do to deserve this? After she shuts the door I turn and ask her "Where would you like to go?" She didn't blink an eye, just says "Crap wrong car," and got out. Are they lacking Optometrists in Iowa or what? Embarrassing enough,  then I see the lady in the van next to me bent over laughing so hard she looks like shes having a heart-attack. (You can see where this is about to go) I slowly roll down the passenger window and she she blurts out "Hell of a trade...ehh" I have nothing more to say!! Game Over.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Off and Running

Well I had my first couple of gigs with the guys and I can say, not to bad. Brings back memories of different bands I used to play in. I've run my own band for so long I forgot how nice it is just to play and not have to worry about the business end of things. I get to play fiddle and other instruments I have not played in years and It's very relaxed. for me relaxed is high energy, and If you haven't seen this band it is high energy. Come check us out.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Just testing the new band web site. Becoming familiar with RRS feeds and the like. So no biggie here, check back real soon.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are You Kidding me?

Just a qick note to congress. Who are you to tell an airline what they can charge for carry-on luggage!! If Spirt wants to charge 45 bucks for carry on luggage....let them. The public will decide if it's out of line. If this is the case why do I have to pay to check bags?? I don't think that is fair. It just goes to show you that we need to elect people to congress that will worry about the big picture. Leave the luggage issues up to us.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lets Get Rockin"

Well, I told you earlier that I have joined a new band. I really had my heart set on doing my own thing (solo show) but this popped up and felt right. The cool thing is that I won't be playing a three piece anymore so this affords me the freedom to branch out on the instruments I miss playing. I don't think I have picked up my fiddle in 5 years and I'm really looking forward to working up some tunes. I've always been half ass ed playing the darn thing because it's fret less and it takes a little finesse. I'm giving it a little more time and really practicing hard again. Feels good to have a goal. I'm still playing lead and rhythm guitar, and I will soon branch out on piano again. The biggest thing is I don't have the headaches that come with being the band leader. I'm OK getting rid of that responsibility in favor of just hanging out and performing. I'll post the schedule on and upload pictures and such. First gig is Friday, so I will be leaving Denver on Thursday then it's gig bound. Sort of an exciting week.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I've been out of the writing mood for quite a while. Been traveling with work, joined a new band, and have had the ho-hums for quite a while. Time to kick myself in the butt and get something done!! There...that should do the trick. First of all I have been traveling for work installing phone systems for our sister companies. This has taken me to Waco Texas a just back from Rexburg Idaho. I don't remember spending much time in Idaho. It's one of those out of the way places that you might travel through if you are going to Washington but that is about it. The land reminds me of the hills of Arizona, and it should its the same mountain chain. The area is surrounded by mountains and is only 50 miles from the grand Tetons. Once again I probably would never see this country if it weren't for work. (Bye the way the Potato's where awesome tasting.) Another feature of the area is the Mormon Churches that dotted the area. You couldn't miss them at night because they were lit up like the sun. Somehow I always antiquated the Salt Lake area as the Mormon retreat, I guess I learned something new. Another thing that never dawned on me was BYU. I've always heard of the college but never thought of it as a Mormon college. As soon as someone said Brigham Young my head snapped together and somehow I knew that Brigham was a Mormon and the founder of the college. Weird??? (In the Picture I am standing by the Snake river in front of a Mormon Church.) OK I'll talk more about the other things I mentioned earlier. Got to run.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No MOM I haven't given up!!

I haven't been writing much because I have been doing more talking. This site does not allow me to upload audio so I have a new site. I decided to post my thoughts via audio so i don't have to write for two hours to get 5 minutes of quality. I will start writing here soon enough, but for now i am focused on the new blog. So visit the new site and click on the MP3 link and listen. by the way, MOM thought I might get tired of the blog and quit writing) Nope...just got a bigger mouth, and thought i would use it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Project

Everyone, I have a new project and I would like to invite you to the new Tommy bryan podcast. Log on and listen and you'll find out. Cheers

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hang in There!

I haven't been feeling the best the last couple of weeks, but I have a lot to talk about. Just letting everyone know I haven't given up on writing, just trying to get into the swing of things again. I'm working on a Pod Cast which I'm not sure if I'm gonna post it here. Good chance, but it's gong to be on the political side of things and.... anyway, if you don't like it I guess you won't listen! I'm excited for the challenge, and need to get a few more things ready before I launch. I'm also working of the new solo show. the Tommy bryan show. As you can see I have quite a few irons in the fire, and I'm trying to loose weight. (I will write about this soon) So..hang in there people you will be rewarded.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Good Bye Ole' Friend

I was going to talk about my car but I got distracted with LIFE again, so here is that story. Ever have a car break down to the point of no return? Most people trade in their cars every couple of years and get a fresh one so they don’t have to worry about minor break downs. What about the Major ones? What a horrible feeling to think the car you were just driving about 2 minutes ago will no longer be dependable, reliable, good to go, old faithful anymore. I used to think that a car was just a mechanical device that was supposed to get me from point A to point B. I found out the most people see their car as a relations ship, an emotional mechanical relationship. People eat in their car, some sleep in their car; some people I know even have names for their car. Then, when the time comes to get rid of the car, it’s almost like losing a friend. We are happy to get the new shiny one, but sad to see our old friend dragged away. I lost my old friend a month ago. I only owned the car for 18 months, paid a little bit for it but the car served me well. Number one and number two got used to the routine of a two door, (lift the seat and squeeze in back). They both enjoyed shifting the stick as I drove, and also the donuts in the snow with the E-brake. I parked the car new year’s eve at worked and when I went to leave the car wouldn’t start. The diagnosis was a broken timing chain. That was enough to put me over the top and start the process of looking for a new car. Horary for technology!!! Ask a few friends on Facebook and poof, a new…or should I say, “used car but new to me car” was available. I went for a look and the car had been set aside for the last 6 months because a newer model was in the garage. It was a little neglected and ran rough, but I felt I could nurse her back to health. I went home and took inventory on everything that was wrong. I got a parts list which consisted of a Fuel pressure regulator, 18” piece of vacuum hose, new wiper blades, new light bulb and finally 4 new hubcaps. I spent an hour fixing the car, gave it a bath and back to life she came. The payment and pickup of the old car was yesterday which closes the chapter on that book, but a new chapter is ahead. I’m sad to see the old red car go to the Junk yard, but I’m thrilled to have a new reliable friend.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Interupt this Program!!

WOW am i getting sick and tired of hearing about how everyone needs to go after those filthy stinking rich people with higher taxes. Do the Lib's or Progressives get it or not. I think not! If I was a rich person I should care, but I'm not and I'm outraged by this crappy stinkin' thinking. Tonight I heard Mark Dayton " Of the Dayton fortune" say he was running for Gov. of Minnesota. The first thing out of his mouth was that he was going to raise taxes on the rich. Minnesota is the 2nd highest tax state in the nation. What is so wrong with cutting spending? If you make a hand-out available, sure as shit someones gonna stand in line for it. Quit giving our money away to every sad sack, and start working programs. I know there are thousands of jobs that can be done with no experience. Bad back,'s a job you can do instead of collecting free health care and welfare. We need to reach back to the days when the church took care of the poor, and we did it with donations because we CARED!!! Letting someone spend my tax dollars on what they think is necessary is pure bull. Let me take care of my neighbor. In-turn he will enrich my life. The rich don't have to live in Minnesota, they are rich, they can live anywhere and will. So Mark Dayton, if you think those rich bastards need to be taxed more why don't you limit yourself to $50k a year and give the rest of your wealth to the poor. Then people might give a shit when you talk. For now...."Shut the hell up!"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Behind the 8 ball Again

I haven't been to crazy about writing. A string of bad luck has sort of got me in the dumps. I shall not let the negatives win, so on-ward and up-ward. I think it all started with a very low vacation year. Feels like all I do is work. For the last two weeks I have been fighting computer viruses that have taken over every computer I own. The computer fight is coming to an end, I have cleaned up this one and IT took my other home to cook pancakes on. Really they are removing the good files so I can do a fresh install of windows. Every computer need to get a fresh start and by God this one is due. One thing I want to say, and I'm not a spokesman for any backup service, but if you keep just one photo on your computer...GET AN ONLINE BACKUP SERVICE!!! Don't do it tomorrow! TODAY!!! No-one has the time to back up there files and the online services do a great job for little money. It's an automatic thing and will save your life someday. It's like your driving instructor said "It's not if you get in an accident but When!". Your computer will crash, get infected and like me you will hack around for two weeks ignoring everyone and everything till you conquer the little s.o.b's or you go insane. I'm a competitor and I HATE to loose. Sometimes you just have to know when to bring in a ringer at the last moment. So hopefully by this weekend I'll be up and running on all computer fronts. I also had time in the last two weeks to blow up the engine in my car. I'll tell you more about that tomorrow. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Out on the Ice

I took #1 Ice-skating on Sunday for the first time. Boy this brought back memories. I remember skating for the first time when I was about 7 years of age. My memory is a little foggy, but I do remember my grandfather skating with us. My brother and I rented a pair of figure skates and went for a couple hundred falls. The rink was just down from my house at the corner of main and 5th Ave. There was an old wooden warming house and the ice was lit with little light bulbs strung together held up by a few poles. I remember my grandpa gliding over the ice and thinking that was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I soon got the hang of skating and many a Christmas where rung in with a new pair of skates under the tree. I never lived more than two blocks away from the rink and I would go skating after school, on the weekends, over Christmas vacation, every chance I would get. Every fall I couldn’t wait to walk by and see the local workers flooding the rink and thinking, “only a few more days.” Skating was the coolest pastime. (No pun intended) I think I liked it so much because I was good at it. I could always find a couple of friends to play “pump” (a form of tag) or grab my hockey stick and slap the puck around. I would even skate when the temp was so warm that patches of grass where exposed thru the ice and puddles of water were everywhere. When I turned 16 I got a new pair of skates, I went a few times that winter but my interest turned to playing guitar and dating. I never went again. Sunday I got on the ice for the first time in 28 years. What a flood of memories, the smell of the warming house, the kids all learning to skate, and my daughter venturing out for the first time on her new skates. I still got it, although I was shaky for the first half an hour. By the time we left I was zooming around again like a little kid, running up and down the ice at full speed stopping on a dime, and tearing it up. I was never so proud as to see my daughter overcome her fear and make her way around the ice by herself. I live in a bigger city now and getting to the only outdoor rink left in town is a ten-minute drive. I can’t say that #1 will skate as much as I did, but she seams to enjoy the challenge and once again I’m making memories out on the ice.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...