Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Working out the Health Care Problem

I haven’t blogged in a while and it’s maybe due to the fact I didn’t have much to say. I have been busy but not in a conversational mood. So I thought if I start writing something would come out, something…maybe something. Crap, nothing. OK back to the ole stand bye. Politics! If anyone has talked with me they probably have heard a blurb or two about my political views. Some views they agree with, others they should agree with. So lets talk National health care! Everybody seams to have an opinion on how to fix it, I think mine is a good solid plan. First we need a little background on my health care plan and what changes our provider has made over the past couple of years. I used to have to pay a $20 co-pay for my health visits. I would make an appointment write out a twenty-dollar check and have whatever aliment diagnosed. This year I no longer have to do that, I have a $1500.00 dollar deductible. I go to the doctor and pay cash until I reach $1500; then the insurance kicks in. My health care in one year went from twenty bucks to $1500. That looks horrible. Maybe we should get national health care so I don’t have to pay so much. Hold Everything!!! Don’t go weeping for the sad state of Brian just yet… In reality my premium went from $215 a month to $40 an month. Now I am saving $600 a year and thinking twice before I go to the doctor. This is all great if I don’t get sick. We’ll maybe I shouldn’t get sick. Huhh, (Have I lost my fellow readers yet?) What is happening is that the insurance companies would rather insure healthy people. It's much more profitable. (Making even more money those evil rat bastards…) But what is better for me? Being healthy of course. With the extra 600 bucks I save a year I joined the local YMCA and am getting healthier. (Check out Worth the Weight Loss) This is a much better solution because I’m eating better, exercising, chasing the kids around again, all because my health insurance changed. What I propose is that instead of spending a trillion dollars on health care, buy them all gym memberships. It’s working for me…just keep your hands off my Life insurance.

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