Thursday, December 24, 2009

Driving me Crazy

Why is it that every single girlfriend, wife, and significant other I’ve had in my life all act the same when it comes to riding in car. Every single one of them has acted the same. Is this inherent to the wiring of a female disposition? Do I have to just live with it? Will it ever go away? What am I talking about? Driving the car from the passenger seat! Recently I drove to the mall with the “First Lady”, here is how the ride went… “watch out for that person at the end of the block”, “Car coming to the left”, ”Watch out for that pot hole”, “Do you have your lights on?”,”Use your blinker!”,”SLOW DOWN!!!” and this was just pulling out of the driveway. I remember many vacations and travels as a kid but the one thing that always stands out is the memory of my mom yelling at my dad, “David watch out!” The other day I was driving to Wal-Mart and I do have a tendency to stand on the brakes a little, but when the “First Lady” said “that’s why we have to replace the brakes because you are so hard on the car” WHAT!!! I drive that car once a month at best so the 12 times I’m behind the wheel is enough to have to get the brakes replaced, not the hour a day she spends in the car but my 12 times. When I ride in the car and she drives I sit quietly and mind my business, I figure that when she slams into a car or goes in the ditch I’ll just get out and pick up the pieces and put them in the trunk. Screaming at her won’t make her a better driver. So why try. I’ve talked to her about just letting me drive in peace and Guys; you know where that gets you. So for now I have to be content driving and listening to the play by play travels around town. I am getting some more use out of one item in the car…The Radio volume!

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Thank you for being my Mother!!

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