Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Santa is Coming to Town.

Tonight is the big night. Santa is at the mall and both #1 and #2 are giddy with anticipation. Soon the innocence of being young will give way to hanging out with friends and skipping the blessed Santa event all together. I remember back many years ago to when I was a youngster of about 5 years of age. I lived in Texas and my dad was in the Navy. We went to visit Santa, but not at the mall like most families do these days, we went to the Navy base to see Saint Nick arrive. I was standing outside with a group of kids watching him come closer and closer, I could see the rotors of the whirly bird as he landed in grand fashion. Yep that's right! Santa landed in a green helicopter. That was excitement! We didn't care about the stupid reindeer, this was a navy helicopter bringing in the North Pole's head honcho. I remember being so excited. Santa stepped off the chopper and went inside, sat down and did a few magic tricks while the helpers passed out candy. (At least that's what I recall) I don't remember any photos being taken, any $20-$30 picture packages being sold. Just Santa and a stinkin' huge Helicopter. I loved those simpler times. Today everything is so commercialized and everyone wants to sell you something. If I would have told the guy behind the camera "Skip the picture, the kids just want to hang with Santa"! We probably would have been escorted out of the mall. (Where's Paul Blart when you need him?) The Mall does have a nice set-up. Trees filled with lights, a fireplace backdrop, even a green fan that blows on Santa so he doesn't over heat in his bright red outfit. The kids are still a little shy, but they did manage to let Santa know that they wanted a Nintendo DS and a Go Diego Go Rescue pack. They each got a color book, we paid for the pictures and #1 and #2 had a pretzel at Target. I think the hype of seeing Santa is more exciting than the real thing, but I tell you what...If he showed up in a big green helicopter, all bets are off.

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Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...