Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bumper Cars

I went to bed early Friday night, I don't know exactly why, but it worked to my favor because I got to get up early and go shopping. Most of the time I go shopping Sunday afternoon after the Vikings win, or late on a weekday, but today I decided to be an early riser and go to Sams Club, Sears, and Walmart. First stop was Sams Club, where I like to walk through the electronics and dream of the 60 inch flat screen hanging from my living room wall, or maybe the entire stock of cooking supplies I could buy that would turn my kitchen into the restaurant I always wanted. $80.00 later and a new set of paring knifes it was off to Sears to see if that washer and dryer that I don't need are really that cheap. Needless to say I couldn't find them and looked for a new gas stove, something I need to complete my restaurant kitchen. Then off to the carnival known to many as WALMART! Holy crap did I pick a poor time to go shopping. Every turn down every isle was filled with carts bumping and smacking into everyone and everything. One lady had two carts blocking the entire bacon section and I had to wait for what seamed an hour just to find out the bacon I wanted was not on the shelf but in everyone's cart. I even got a call from the "First Lady" because she lost me and I was only one isle away. At one point she decided that the ingredient that we needed to cook the ham I picked up was in the cookie isle. Across the store we went like Columbus in search of the new world, smacking into carts and dodging kids along the way. We finally made it to the checkout counter only to wait because the lady in front of us picked up the wrong can of nuts and wasn't going to move till she got her price. As the city I live in converts one way streets back to two way and takes out stop lights in place of stop signs, I can't stop to wonder how nice those would fit into the layout of a Walmart on a Saturday morning. But until then I guess it's carnival time and I get to ride the bumper cars again.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Puking Pumpkin

It's Halloween eve and I haven't gotten a pumpkin to carve. I'm not sure if I'm going to be carving a pumpkin this year, but I think the pumpkin got it right. He's taking a vacation from my house this year. I have been so busy, in fact I forgot to take a vacation. WHAT!!! Yeh, I forgot to take a vacation. I have never in my life ended up with an unused vacation from work. I think the "First Lady" (the other person in my life) did the right thing and went to Texas for a week. I should have gone, but I had gigs to play and was more worried about making money than spending it. Sometimes you must make time for yourself no matter what the cost. Life is too short to please everyone and not yourself. So next year I plan to take a vacation or two, yes, I said two. I hope by making more time for myself I will be a better person to those around me, and a little less stressed about life. This year I am the puking pumpkin, and next year, come Halloween, his vacation time is up!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My little Princess

#2 wanted to dress up as a princess for Halloween this year, so I dressed her in a pink shirt, pink pants, pink shoes, pink princess dress, pink Tiara, and finally a silver wand. For #2 being a princess is just not for Halloween, its an everyday event. She plays with Disney princess, watches princess cartoons, reads princess books...(mostly picture books), and plays princess around the house. As a father I have learned that princesses also don't eat there supper, don't go to bed when asked, or don't really listen to their father when shopping at the mall. The best part of being a princess for me is that this little one thinks her father is the best dad in the entire kingdom, and as far as I'm concerned she will always be my little princess, pink and all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can I Drive the Golf Cart Dad?

I heard on the radio today that our Government, the ones I pay my taxes to, OUR GOVERNMENT is handing out $8000.00 for the public to buy....drum roll please Jay....GOLF freaking CARTS. I wondered why I felt a little queasy when I got home. Now don't get me wrong, I do like to use a golf cart when I play golf, but come on, I'm working 9 hours a day 5 months a year to pay taxes and some old fart in Florida can buy a golf cart for next to nothing just because its electric. I can see for a electric car or hybrid but seriously folks. Whats next? 10k for a motorcycle with a sail on it. Somebody in Washington has to find some common sense, or maybe its us who need the common sense to elect the people with common sense. I'll make a deal Mr. Government...give me $8000.00; I'll let you have my gas stove and I'll get an electric one.

My Definition of Fuzzy Logic

Does anyone remember the Clinton administration back in the 90's. The catch phrase that I remember is "Fuzzy Logic". This was used to describe the social security short fall and how the administration put the funds in a "lock box" or some sort of crap like that, anyway, the other night both my daughters were playing our Wii. The youngest was getting beat pretty bad in basketball by the oldest. I was asked to step in and provide assistance for my youngest (lets call her #2 and the oldest #1). So like a good father I stepped up and started beating #1 at her own game. Hears where the "Fuzzy Logic" comes into play....Every time I stole the ball from #1, she would reach over and hit #2 out of frustration. That's "Fuzzy Logic"!!

What the ????

I concider myself quite an accomplished computer user, so why the hell am I following my own blog??? Anyway I encourage everyone who reads this to send this to 10 people and lets see if I can create some fun for everyone in the world. OK really everyone south of hwy 169 !!

Getting Started

I always wanted to start a blog about something so I thought hmmmmm "how about my life and the lessons I've learned". I think everyday I learn a lesson, and I don't remeber most of them. Hopefully by writing them down i will remember better. I think the whole process is to become a better person, father, mentor, and leader. Don't get me wrong, this is not some preachy kind of thing where I let my heart strings flale out in the wind. I really find humor in everything I do and learn, so hopefully I can entertain everyone of the readers as I learn more about myself and the life I lead.

To get started I would like to tell you a little about myself:

My name is Brian and I work for a Printing company as a communications specialist, (phone guy for the normal people). I have two daughters, 7 and 4, and a live in girl friend of 2 plus years. I work part time playing in a band, and I am a current events junkie. (I'm very sure I will talk politics in this blog). I'm pretty happy most of the time but like most people I struggle with debt, and not enough free time, and the occasional aches and pains of being 44 going on 30.

I hope to give everyone incite or maybe a heads up to all things I find humors or maybe a little crazy.

Thank you for being my Mother!!

 My mom of 57 years, the wife of my father for 60 years and Gods magnificent work for 78 years passed away peacefully at home on January 20t...